Result Compilation


The result processing is a process made very easy by your school portal. You only input raw CA scores and Exam scores as well as other evaluation parameters like the psychomotor and affective values and upload appropriately to the designated point on your school portal for the system to process everything and generate the results for students/pupils to access.

However, there are two methods of processing result -

  1. The first is where the school admin does everything centrally from the school admin portal and upload all scores for all subjects and all classes in the school and then allow the system to process results for the students/pupils to check their results.
  2. The second method is where class teachers input CA and exam scores from their individual staff portals by themselves and allow the school admin to only check for corrections and then release the result.

Since this manual is essentially for the staff portal, we shall only focus on the second method in this manual, which is where each individual class teacher input all the CA and the Exam scores as well as other values by themselves and allow the school admin to only check for corrections and then release the result.

However, after the school admin has completed the registration and placement of your students/pupils in the appropriate classes, there are a few steps in the entry of CA and Exam scores by the class teacher.

NOTE: before a teacher can have the privilege to enter exam and CA scores, he/she must have been assigned the role of a class examiner by the school admin. And ensure that all students/pupils in your school are fully registered and placed in their respective classes through the acceptance button.

Steps to entry of Exam scores and CA scores by class examiner

  1. Create and Customize your subject workbook; one subject at a time. During this creation, you will declare the configuration of your CA and Exam total scores to determine what total score goes for your CA and what total score is for the exam. Make sure this score configuration is the same for all subjects as you create your subject workbooks.
  2. Download of the CA and Exam Auto-Generated Excel Workbook
  3. Input of CA and Exam scores on the workbook sheets.
  4. Upload of your result scores in workbooks according to subjects.
  5. Preview and Review of your scores by downloading your exam broadsheet or computer sheet.
  6. Then the school admin goes in and checks everything and then releases the results for students/pupils and their parents to access.
  7. Checking of results from the central portal.

AS we go through these processes, please carefully read through the instructions below.


  1. This training is designed to show you how to enter your termly result records.
  2. To reduce labor and eradicate errors, all that is required for the school is to input only the CA/EXAM Scores, the Affective Values and the Psychomotor values then system will process everything and produce the termly results and the annual results automatically for the pupil/student to view through his/her dashboard. You are provided with this system to process results for 1st, 2nd and 3rd terms while the cumulative result is auto-generated.
  3. To save cost of network data, the result input process will be done offline through the Microsoft excel sheets for each class. This only requires basic Knowledge of Microsoft excel.
  4. Note that Only registered and accepted students/pupils in your school will appear on the Microsoft Excel Workbook that is auto-generated for your school when you download it. So pupils/students must be accepted to appear in your workbook.
  5. In the process of the result input, the school data officers downloads the auto-generated Microsoft Excel Workbook for CA/EXAMs, AFFECTIVE and PSYCHOMOTOR after accepting all registered students/pupils in that school.
  6. After downloading the Microsoft Excel Workbook, only scores and values are to be entered, any attempt to enter a child’s name or serial number by yourself through the Microsoft Excel Sheet will render it invalid.

However, if you do not want to customize your school’s CA and Exams score, you can simply use the default configuration of Two CA’s with a total of 40 Marks and Exam with a total of 60 Marks. To do this, simply click on “CA/Exam Sheet”. It gives you only one default sheet with that score configuration and allows you to duplicate the sheet manually by a SAVE AS process into the many subjects offered in your school.

Please meet with any of our support executives on any issue of concern.

Let’s go into the school portal.


On the home page, scroll down to the staff login link and click on it.


Enter your correct school login credentials to access your staff dashboard.


  1. Click on Result Capture sheet.

  2. Enter the subject name for the workbook and declare the suitable score configuration for the CA and Exam scores for your school as shown below.

  3. After you have completed the configuration, click on the SUBMIT & DOWNLOAD button to create the excel workbook for that subject. It downloads automatically to your device. Repeat this process for all subjects offered in your school. This process is done termly.


  • The image above has shown you how to customize your CA and Exam sheet to suit your school’s score configuration.
  • The picture below shows what a typical auto-generated Microsoft Excel Workbook looks like for a subject.
  • You can see the different sheets inside the workbook representing all the different classes in the school from Nursery to Secondary.
  • The pupils here are only those who are registered, accepted and placed into the class arms as shown.
  • There is a signature column on each class sheet on the workbook that the system autogenerates along with the workbook. It is a form security to prevent illegal insertion of records to the workbook. This makes it impossible for anyone to just insert a new student/pupil record to the workbook without a proper registration and acceptance done by the school. So it is a security code and it is auto-generated.
  • In each sheet, the arms are arranged in alphabetical order - Like Pri5A before Pri5B.
  • The name for every created and downloaded CA/Exam workbook as you can see is the name of the subject you gave it with the last three digits of your school code, like ENGLISH186 in this case as shown below.


  • The class examiners input their CA and Exam scores according to the naming and numbering of the sheets in the workbook.
  • After the CA and Exam scores are entered on these subject workbooks sheets. The teachers also sees through to confirm the scores
  • The class examiner of each class in the school also cross checks everything and confirms that they are error free.



  • The Affective and Psychomotor skills scores are entered once in a term.
  • Note: The Psychomotor and Affective Skills are entered as rating from 1 to 5 depending on how each trait is observed in the student/pupil. Any value above 5 will not be accepted. Below is an explanation of the ratings from 1 to 5.
    5: Maintains an excellent degree of observable traits
    4; Maintains high level of observable traits.
    3; Acceptable level of observable traits.
    2; Shows Minimal regard for observable traits
    1; Has no regard for the observable traits.
  • The result upload must be done as a workbook the way it was downloaded but with the contents filled.
  • The psychomotor and affective skills are entered after the CA/EXAM records are entered for all subjects.


  • Fill the values for every child in all the classes according to their class sheets and copy them back to the workbook.